Dear Lucy Leader … Making Meaningful Meetings

Dear Lucy Leader,

I have recently been elected president of our local group. I am busy and I know the women in our congregation are also busy. I want to be sure the meetings are a good use of our women’s time. How can we make the meetings meaningful to the women of our congregation?

Busy Beverly

Dear Busy Beverly,

Being considerate of the women in your congregation’s time is very commendable. It is important to assess meeting times and frequency according to the needs of your group. 

There should be clear goals for the meeting, and the goals should dictate how often the group meets. Here are some standard goals for LWML group meetings: 

  • Assist LCMS women to affirm their faith in the Triune God;
  • Enable LCMS women to use their gifts in ministry to others;
  • Provide opportunities to bond in fellowship;
  • Provide opportunities to praise and serve God;
  • Enable the women to establish goals, set timelines, and accomplish the ministries they have chosen to undertake; and
  • Provide each woman with a voice in making decisions for the organization.

You can find tips to help with meeting efficiency at There are more tips to put together a successful meeting at

May you and your group find joy in the ministry and mission of the LWML!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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