Thank you for answering the call to submit the names of qualified women and pastors to serve the LWML in the next biennium. The Slate of Candidates for the elections to be held at our LWML Convention in Omaha, Nebraska, June 26β29, 2025 is as follows: Β
Pastoral Counselor
- Rev. Tim Jenks β Canoga Park, California (Pacific Southwest District)
- Rev. Michael Schmidt β Manhattan, Kansas (Kansas District)
Vice President of Christian Life
- Shari Miller β Helena, Montana (Montana District)
- Mary Smith β Goldendale, Washington (Washington-Alaska District)
Vice President of Communication
- Kelly Bernhardt β Amarillo, Texas (Texas District)
- Linda Guteres β Medford, New York (Atlantic District)
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
- Anne Hartman β Eau Claire, Wisconsin (North Wisconsin District)
- Sharon von Qualen β Carroll, Iowa (Iowa West District)
Recording Secretary
- Dianna Just β Vinita, Oklahoma (Oklahoma District)
- Lois Teinert β Austin, Texas (Texas District)
Nominating Committee
- Nicole Dowdell β Cincinnati, Ohio (Ohio District)
- Karen Drury β Oak Ridge, Missouri (Missouri District)
- Katy Gifford β Wheaton, Minnesota (Minnesota North District)
- Sharon McGuan β Buffalo, New York (Eastern District)
- Patricia Peters β Sioux Falls, South Dakota (South Dakota District)
- Nila Rodriguez β Palm Desert, California (Pacific Southwest District)
- Deaconess Raquel Rojas β The Bronx, New York (Atlantic District)
- Sherri Rose β Shawnee, Kansas (Kansas District)
- Ginger Starrett β Belvidere, New Jersey (New Jersey District)
Serving the Lord with gladness,ο»Ώ LWML 2023β2025 Nominating Committee:Β Deaconess Betty Knapp, Roxanne Pieper, Laura Strattman, Melissa Vance, Olajumoke Odedele, Chairman.Β Rev. Gary Piepkorn, Pastoral Advisor
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit ... it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone (1 Corinthians 12:4a, 6b).