Leader Development
Welcome to Leader Development. As Women in Mission who seek to follow the Leader, our Lord and Savior Jesus, we serve with joy and thankfulness to our Lord, praying and knowing that God will hear us and work through us.
Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).
One of the purposes of the Leader Development Committee is to offer resources to women to discover, develop, and strengthen their unique God-given gifts and therefore participate in a meaningful and encouraging way as a servant leader.
Featured New Resources
Lutheran Women in Mission FOCUS on Jesus Presentations
Chat with 2021 LWML Convention Humorous Interrupter Abby Goehring
Chat with Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly Editor-in-Chief Sheila Lutz
Chat with Deaconess Betty Knapp
Lucy Leader is In! Meet the Officers
Connection Building Activities
Resources, Documents, and Videos from the LWML Assembly of Leaders (AOL) Training in October 2022
Browse All Leader Development Resources
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We’d Love to Hear from You!
We are seeking ways to share ideas and formation with LWML women in our districts, zones, and local groups.
Please contact the Vice President of Organizational Resources and insert “Leader Development” in the subject line.
Serve the Lord with gladness! Know that the Lord, He is God! It is He who made us and we are His … (Psalm 100:2a, 3a).