

This week the LWML Convention Programming Committee and Board of Directors is meeting in St. Louis. While here, we begin and end each session with a devotion, Bible study, and/or a prayer.

The early Christian church is described this way in Acts 2:42, And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we are Christ-centered and Christ-focused. One of the best and most practical ways to keep that focus is to incorporate God’s Word in our meetings and events. With our resources, it is easy to find something that “fits” from the two-year planner Equipping the Saints to Serve,” from our archives under Program Resources, or from Mustard Seed devotions. Isn’t it amazing to have these relevant, relatable, doctrinally reviewed resources available with only a few clicks on the computer or smartphone? We are indeed blessed.

May your times together be enriched by starting and ending with the Word and in prayer.

Eden Keefe



LWML Resources