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Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church

2023–2025 LWML Mission Grant #21 Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church — Lutheran Family Services, U.S. — $106,000

man presenting with screen behind him to men and women sitting at tables

Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church

By Rev. Max Phillips with Mission Editor Brianne Stahlecker

Lutheran Family Service has served the LCMS for more than a century, always with the caring heart of Jesus. As a Recognized Service Organization of Synod, they provide excellent care with professional expertise and solid faithfulness centered in the Word of Christ. Since 2020, that work has recognized the unique needs of church workers and their families who suffer under burdens of anxiety, depression, stress, and other challenges related to ministry, marriage and/or family life ― situations which cause many to consider leaving the ministry or to experience diminished joy in serving.

In partnership with the LWML, Lutheran Family Service has increased their efforts to serve the church and its neighbors through the Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church initiative, adding counselors, expanding geographically, and growing their focus on wellness. LWML grant funds have helped build their counselor capacity, and counseling sessions with church workers have grown by 48%. Of their 23 counselors, five (including two pastors and two pastors’ wives) serve on the Church Worker Wellness team. Workers bring a passion assuring those who are, as the Psalmist says, brokenhearted and … crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18), know that God is always near, providing them with His love and support.

Also benefitting from this new ministry expansion are those served through webinars, seminars, and group presentations which focus on wellness, resiliency grounded in faith, and those things that consistently attack God’s people, including grief that couples suffer silently in stillbirth and miscarriage. Tools to help strengthen marriage are given. Help for faithful people sorting through sinful gender confusion issues is provided, and God’s healing is applied. Lutheran Family Service brings awareness of the evil power of pornography, as well as the incessant use of technology and its impact on children, adults, and marriages. They offer God’s help with these and many other tools which are delivered, either in person or through the various avenues of social media, to congregations, networks of church workers, and individuals.

LWML’s gift has helped lay the groundwork for new service in the South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa East and West, and Nebraska districts of our church. Every day, in counseling offices and through telehealth, one-on-one and in groups, those at Lutheran Family Service join with the Psalmist to assure God’s people that the Lord hears and delivers the righteous when they call for help.

These servants know, not only from their personal relationships with God, but from their experience in His service, that the Lord is near (Psalm 34:18a). All praise be to God for Lutheran Family Service which continues to share the caring heart of Jesus.

Rev. Max Phillips serves in God’s Kingdom through a variety of ministry roles including Senior Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church/Bouton and Zion Lutheran Church/Ogden, Iowa, Executive Director of Lutheran Family Service, CEO of Perry Lutheran Homes, and President of the Board of Directors for Lutheran Church Extension Fund. In each role, Pastor Phillips blends a love for serving God’s people and pointing them to Jesus with a rich background of learning and leadership experience in ministry, community, and business settings.

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This story was originally featured in the Fall 2024 Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. Order your subscription here.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

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Turning Blessings into Blessings

two women smiling, sitting at table. Woman in front is writing something.LaDonna Etzel

LaDonna Etzel had a problem. 

With her husband Harold deceased, LaDonna found herself the manager of an estate that included the large piece of Montana farmland that they had lived and worked on together for years.

The property needed work and upkeep that she couldn’t perform in her retirement years. She was moving to North Dakota and wanted to find the best way to turn her farmland into income, inheritance, and a charitable gift.

Help came in the form of Pat Bilow, a gift planning counselor working with the LWML Gifts of Love program and the LCMS Foundation. Pat and LaDonna met numerous times to talk about the best way to establish a gift plan that would help her manage the difficulties of her estate. With prayerful planning, LaDonna decided to turn the land over to the LCMS Foundation so that the sale could be tax advantaged, and the proceeds used to establish a charitable remainder trust. By creating this trust, LaDonna could reduce capital gains tax, receive income for life, leave an inheritance to her daughters, and make a gift to the ministries that she cared about.

four women standing in front of mantle in home, smilingLaDonna’s daughters L to R: Janet, Carmen, Lynette, and Melanie

The support of LaDonna’s four daughters, Carmen Madler, Janet Koppinger, Lynette Coop, and Melanie Kuca, meant a lot to her. In a 2013 interview, LaDonna recalled that “it made me feel better knowing that my girls were behind my decision.”

With all the trust documents signed, it was time to sell the Montana farmland. “The land was valued at roughly $250,000,” recalled Rev. Phil Krupski, Senior Vice President of Gift Planning for the LCMS Foundation. “When it went up for auction, a neighboring landowner purchased it for double its assessed value. That is unheard of! But look what a difference it made to God’s work on earth.”


LaDonna’s husband Harold had dreamed of working with Laborers for Christ in his retirement. Laborers for Christ is an organization of retired volunteers that traveled the country building, remodeling, or updating facilities for LCMS ministries. Things didn’t go as planned for Harold, as his asthma and a lack of funds prevented the Etzels from volunteering.

When LaDonna established her gift plan, she chose Laborers for Christ and Lutheran Women in Mission as the recipients of the charitable part of her estate. She had always been an active LWML member. By leaving a generous gift to these two ministries, she found a way to continue supporting the parts of God’s work that were closest to her and Harold’s hearts.


LaDonna’s charitable remainder trust provided income for her remaining time on earth. The trust was established in 2012 and it helped take care of LaDonna’s financial needs until she died in 2014. When she was called home to heaven, the LCMS Foundation made sure that LaDonna’s plans for regular payments to her daughters were followed. When the trust matured in 2024, it was time for the remainder of the gift to be distributed to the ministries that LaDonna had designated.

When LaDonna established her charitable remainder trust, Laborers for Christ was a thriving ministry. But by 2021 Laborers for Christ had discontinued operations. This left a hole in LaDonna’s plan. More than $250,000 from her trust could not be distributed as intended. The LCMS Foundation’s Gift Acceptance Committee met to find a solution that would honor the gift that LaDonna had made, even in the absence of Laborers for Christ. After discussing options and contacting the Lutheran Church Extension fund (the entity under which Laborers for Christ operated), as well as LaDonna’s family, it was decided that the money would be distributed to Lutheran Women in Mission and designated specifically to help fund brick-and-mortar Mission Grants in the spirit of the gift.

That meant that Lutheran Women in Mission would receive two very important gifts from LaDonna Etzel. LaDonna’s original trust gift to Lutheran Women in Mission was unrestricted, which allowed LWML to invest a large portion of the assets in their endowment, per their gift acceptance policy. And then LaDonna’s Laborers for Christ gift would be designated to fund very specific mission grants.


When the LCMS Foundation notified LWML of the brick-and-mortar portion of the gift, the LWML Board of Directors approved four qualifying grants that were a good fit for that portion of LaDonna’s gift. Reflecting on the recipients of these gifts, Rev. Phil Krupski pointed out that “some of these ministries didn’t even exist when LaDonna’s gift was made. It is incredible to look back and see that, years and years ago, God was creating funding for future ministry.”

four individuals on the porch outside of a house without sidingCamp Restore volunteers ready to give a tour of ‘Red House’ which is currently under construction.

One of those newer ministries is Camp Restore Detroit. Camp Restore Detroit is working with Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church to reinvigorate neighborhoods in downtown Detroit. Their work to create a safe environment for the families living in these difficult areas includes building a community park, patrolling neighborhoods to ensure safe passage to children, and cleaning out abandoned buildings. Camp Restore Detroit was initially granted nearly $59,000 as the final grant selected at the LWML convention in Milwaukee. When LaDonna Etzel’s gift came to LWML, they were awarded an additional $30,727 to continue their work of caring for the people of Detroit. This brought their funding nearly to the $90,000 originally requested.

Another recipient was St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, located in Cullman, Alabama. The $50,000 they received will help renovate their aging school building. St. Paul’s was established 135 years ago and is currently only one of two Lutheran grade schools in northern Alabama. The grant money will help replace windows, update the HVAC, and replace their broken emergency doors. According to Mandi Easterwood, the school secretary, “This money is life-changing for St. Paul’s.”

six smiling women standing in front of banners, holding check
St. Paul’s check presentation. (left to right) Brenda Piester, Recording Secretary and LWML Board member; Dana Kritner, PK-4th Teacher; Emily Trahan, School Alumni and Parent; Amanda Lee, PTO Officer and St. Paul Church Council, Alumni; Cherie Endrihs, LWML Gulf States District President; Mandi Easterwood, St. Paul School Secretary

A third recipient, Ministry in Mission, is an organization that partners with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Haiti and its president, Rev. Marky Kessa, to spread the Gospel in Haiti. Recent hurricanes and earthquakes have caused damage to many preaching stations and churches throughout the country. Through their grant of $85,000, three Haitian churches are being rebuilt, and two churches are being repaired after suffering significant hurricane damage.

group of six women and men standing in a circle, holding hands and lifting them above heads in praiseMinistry in Mission check presentation group singing the Doxology
school children in uniform standing in a line outside of white building in HaitiThe Dame Marie ELC church repaired with grant funds.
large group of men and women standing and smiling at cameraLWML Board of Directors presented mission grant check to Rev. Ray Wilke, President, Orphan Grain Train, also present was Craig Stirtz, Sr. Gift Planning Counselor, LCMS Foundation.

Finally, the fourth recipient was Orphan Grain Train, a ministry based out of Norfolk, Nebraska. Orphan Grain Train received a grant of $100,000. This money will help with the expense of constructing the Orphan Grain Train Servant Center. This will expand the meal packing area, doubling the meal output of the facility to more than ten million meals packaged per year. It will also provide break and training space for volunteers. Orphan Grain Train is a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 71 different countries, including the United States.

Reflecting on the impact of the gift, LaDonna’s daughters shared that “we are filled with joy that even in our parents’ death, they are still spreading the Gospel. That is the true gift to us girls.”


LaDonna Etzel had a heart for God’s work on earth and, through Lutheran Women in Mission’s Gifts of Love program, made a plan to help fund that work after she was called home to heaven.

Gifts of Love logo

Gifts of Love was established to help individuals and couples put a plan in place for blessing family and ministry with the assets that God provided during their lifetime. The partnership with the LCMS Foundation assures that these gifts are established, executed, and distributed with the highest integrity.

Working with a Gifts of Love gift planning counselor is easy, informative, and free of charge. Counselors have years of experience crafting charitable gift plans that will support Lutheran Women in Mission and the other ministries close to the hearts of LCMS members. Look what LaDonna was able to do through her gift plan. Now imagine what you might do with yours!


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For more information about these mission grants, view the individual mission grant pages here: Camp Restore Detroit, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, Ministry in Mission, Orphan Grain Train.

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Helping in Haiti

At Lutheran Women in Mission, we are delighted to share the incredible work of Trinity HOPE and their work with Mission Grant #15, “Feeding Haitian Children Through Gospel and Meals.” The mission was given a $52,082 check, presented by Brenda Piester at the LWML Mid-South Convention. Trinity HOPE has provided over 50,000 meals to students every school day. For many of these children, this meal is the only one they receive all day, motivating them to stay in school.

one man and three women smiling while holding checkThe photograph above features LCMS Mid-South District President Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola; Candi Boudreau, Operations Manager from Trinity Hope; Carol Hall, widow of Trinity Hope founder John Hall; and Brenda Piester, LWML Recording Secretary.

Trinity HOPE serves 265+ Christian schools across Haiti, all dedicated to teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Despite the challenges, including a population where 60% practice Voodoo, 95% of the children served by Trinity HOPE come to believe in Jesus Christ. Carol Hall, wife of founder John Hall, was deeply moved during the presentation, expressing how proud her late husband would be of this incredible ministry. 

We thank God for Trinity HOPE’s impact and your support. Together, we are spreading Christ’s love throughout the world. Stay tuned for more updates on our social media channels and website.


Watch this update from the Executive Director of Trinity HOPE about LWML Mission Grant #15


For more information about this mission grant, view the LWML Mission Grant #15 webpage.

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Thank you for the MOST Mission Trip Opportunity

Laura Esterly was a recipient of one of the scholarships provided through MOST Ministries because of the 2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #18: Ends of the Earth Scholarship. The following story is in her own words.

“I traveled with a team to Kolkata, India on an eyeglass mission trip. 750 people came to receive glasses during the clinics, all of whom heard the gospel preached, many for the first time. Imagine the potential this has to reach the rest of India! An older gentleman who came hobbling in, with the help of two men, was so happy to see clearly after he received his glasses, that he came back through to thank everyone at each station. 

Laura with volunteers at eyeglass clinic

During the trip, I was impressed by the ingenuity of the local men who managed to build make-shift tents using bamboo as supports so that everyone could be in the shade for a long day of working and waiting. On another occasion, we were inside the local school building, it wasn't adequately lit for eye tests, and within a matter of minutes extra lights were added. 

The Indian people are an inspiration and so easy to love. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worshipped and served with our brothers and sisters in Christ in India.”

“Thank you for helping to make this mission trip possible.”

group of children standing outside wearing sunglasses

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For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

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Grant Report: Caring for and Sharing Christ

The following report was provided by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for 2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #14 Caring for and Sharing Christ with Hurting People.

four young women outside smiling at cameraThe Caring For and Sharing Christ With Hurting People grant allows Concordia Seminary’s deaconess students to fully devote their concentration to their studies as they prepare to become deaconesses for the church.

The Caring For and Sharing Christ With Hurting People grant provided vital support to Concordia Seminary's mission of nurturing well-prepared deaconesses. The aim of this project was to provide scholarships and assistance with the cost of providing theological education of deaconess students, particularly through the newly established Online Deaconess Studies Program. These grant funds made it possible for Concordia Seminary’s deaconess students to be equipped to provide compassionate, Christ-centered assistance to individuals in need, both physically and spiritually, and point them toward the Gospel.

This grant impacted deaconess students in the following ways:

  • Scholarship support: The grant facilitated the provision of scholarships for deaconess students, alleviating financial burdens and enabling them to pursue theological education. These scholarships ensured that qualified candidates could access training without financial constraints.
  • Assistance with Seminary costs: Financial assistance provided through the grant eased the overall cost associated with seminary education. This support encouraged enrollment and enabled students to focus on their studies and practical training without undue financial stress.
  • Expansion of Online Deaconess Studies Program: The grant contributed to the growth of the Online Deaconess Studies Program, which saw a 90% increase in enrollment from 2021-23. This program has broadened access to theological education, particularly for those unable to pursue traditional on-campus studies due to geographical or logistical constraints. 
  • Formation of well-prepared deaconesses: With increased enrollment and financial support, Concordia Seminary has been able to foster the development of well-prepared deaconesses. These students have been equipped with the theological knowledge and practical skills to share the Gospel and serve those in need with compassionate, Christ-centered help.

The impact of the Caring For and Sharing Christ With Hurting People grant extends beyond its immediate outcomes, laying the foundation for continued Gospel-centered outreach and compassionate service. Concordia Seminary’s deaconess graduates will continue in their ministries, serving individuals and communities, for years to come. Their service is a tangible expression of God's love and mercy. Continued support and investment in such initiatives will enable Concordia Seminary to reach even more individuals, equipping them for effective ministry and Gospel proclamation. The impact will resonate within hearts and minds, as more individuals are pointed toward the cross and the gift of eternal life through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Download the PDF of this report.

Abigail Reynolds is a second-year deaconess student at Concordia Seminary.

Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “At the Seminary, I feel surrounded by the love of Jesus. My courses and wonderful professors equip me to share Christ in a wholehearted, informed and practical way.”

Jessica Thompson is a second-year deaconess student at Concordia Seminary. Jessica also serves as an admissions officer for the Seminary.

Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “After a wonderful 15 years of serving the church as a Lutheran school teacher, I felt the urge to explore other gifts that God has given me. I feel so thankful to have the opportunity to study theology at Concordia Seminary from our amazing professors, alongside some incredible ladies.”

Julie Baumann is a second-year deaconess student at Concordia Seminary. 

Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “There are many reasons I could give for why I chose to pursue deaconess studies here at CSL, but the simplest way to put it is that Christ pursued me first.

As a freshman in high school, my pastor told me that I would make a great deaconess, and, as a thirteen-year-old who knew everything, I laughed and said "No chance." I've since learned to never say "no" to God. I had two big misunderstandings about being a church worker - 1) that all church workers were old and boring, and 2) that I had to be "good enough" to serve God well. Come to find out, I was wrong on both ends - and thank goodness for that! I thought I had my life all planned out, but He had an even better plan for me. One where I could learn alongside my brothers and sisters, using the gifts and talents that He has given me to better serve those around me to show and tell them of His great love for them.

In being here at CSL and learning to minister to others, He's continued to put many people in my life who have been incredible blessings and mentors to me, especially my deaconess sisters. This life He's given me has been filled with many ups and downs, but He's been constant through it all. He's been faithful to His promises to me, even when I falter. It's because of this that I know that my life is in His hands, and I'm very thankful for my time here at CSL in my preparation to go out and serve Him by serving others.”

Katlynn Schnitker is from Seymour Indiana and attends Immanuel Lutheran Church. She is a second-career deaconess student in the Online Deaconess Studies Program. 

Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “I chose Concordia Seminary, St. Louis to pursue my Deaconess certification because of its rich history and commitment to the formation of deaconesses. The Online Deaconess Studies Program allows me to complete the program while I work and take care of my family. I also can serve my church as a deaconess intern concurrent with my studies.”

Laura McCormack was born and raised in the south (Texas, Louisiana, Florida Panhandle). Her father is a Lutheran pastor, so she grew up being very involved in the church and has long been interested in people and learning theology. After gaining many life and missional experiences, Laura answered the call to serve in God's kingdom through diaconal ministry. 

Why I chose Concordia Seminary’s Deaconess Studies Program: “I first learned about deaconess ministry from my father and gained further knowledge and encouragement through friends in the program and other church workers. I chose the CSL Deaconess Studies program for the opportunity to study theology and spiritual care alongside trusted peers, with the instruction and guidance of respected theologians.” 

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

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$50K For Two Great Missions

At Lutheran Women in Mission, we are honored to announce that mission grants going toward “Sharing Christ with Women and Children in Kazakhstan” and “Expanding Gospel Outreach to Hispanics in the U.S.” have each received disbursements of $50,000 during our recent event with Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM).

five men and women standing in the LWML Office holding a checkThe photograph above features Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) Executive Director Vanessa Johnson presenting one of two checks to Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM). From left to right: Ashley Bayless, LHM Vice President of Program Development, Chad D. Lakies, LHM Vice President of Ministry Engagement, Vanessa Johnson, LWML Executive Director, Lois M. Engfehr, LHM Director of Grants and Foundation Relations, and Jeff Craig-Meyer, LHM President of United States Ministries attended the check ceremony.

With hearts full of gratitude, we praise God that Christ will be shared with women and children in Kazakhstan through LWML Mission Grant #20. This mission is bringing the light of the Gospel to a non-Christian nation where many face hardships. Through Christian training programs, resources, and media, families will receive messages of hope and salvation in ways that touch their hearts and resonate with their culture. This grant allows LHM to spread love, strengthen relationships, and build faith in Jesus in communities that need it most. 

We thank God for the strides made to reach Hispanic communities across the United States with LWML Mission Grant #22. Recognizing the vibrant and growing Hispanic population, LHM crafts tailored programming and materials by Hispanics for Hispanics. This thoughtful approach ensures that the Gospel speaks directly to their daily lives and experiences instead of simply translating from English to Spanish. By partnering with LCMS leaders and institutions, they spread God's message of salvation in their native language, nurturing faith, and inspiring a deeper connection with Jesus. 

Glory be to God that He has so richly provided for us! Thank you for blessing Lutheran Women in Mission to support these missions. Pray with us for those serving and those being served as we look forward to witnessing the beautiful impact of these grants. Watch for more details and resources about these grants in October. 

A message of thanks from Lutheran Hour Ministries


For more information about these mission grants, view the LWML Mission Grant #20 webpage and LWML Mission Grant #22 webpage.

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Church Interpreters for the Deaf

2023–2025 LWML Mission Grant #14 Enhancement of Deaf Ministry and Outreach — $47,000

classroom setting with adults learning

Church Interpreters — Growing in Interest, Growing in Participation, Growing in Christ

By Rev. Thomas Dunseth and Kaye Wolff

Ephphatha Lutheran Mission Society for the Deaf (ELMS) operates the Church Interpreter Training Academy (CITA). Their goal is to train interpreters for Lutheran congregations so that, through Sunday morning Divine Service interpreted into American Sign Language (ASL), Deaf people might have access to the life-giving, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are many interpreters in cities across the United States who serve Lutheran congregations, but few of these interpreters have the skills to sign the Word of God accurately. CITA helps to provide the training. 

We thank LWML for their generous grant which has enabled CITA to hold two workshops, one at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the other at St. Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, Texas. Three more workshops are scheduled for 2024 — one in Michigan, another in Indiana, and a third at a site yet to be determined. There has been a great interest among Lutheran congregations desiring to be involved in Deaf mission. The key to any congregational Deaf ministry is trained interpreters. 

Many Lutherans want to learn American Sign Language. They want to share the love of Christ with the Deaf community, of which approximately 96 percent is unchurched. It is a win-win mission outreach.

The participants of CITA workshops grow in their understanding of Lutheran theology and worship as they learn to interpret the Word of God in ASL, the language of the Deaf. Then, as they go about their vocations in their communities, they invite Deaf people to church who can see the Word of God being brought to them in their own language. 

An essential tool for the training of church interpreters is the translation of the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) into American Sign Language. Currently, LSB is being translated into a video resource by a translation team of pastors for the Deaf, a Deaf deaconess, and Deaf Lutheran teachers. When completed, this video will be available for use by the LCMS at large. Divine Service, Setting Three has been completed and was used for the first time at the February CITA in Austin, Texas. Thirty-nine interpreters, signers, and youth attended this workshop. 

Rev. Thomas Dunseth (pictured right) has been a pastor for the Deaf as an LCMS missionary in Hong Kong and Macau, China, and a missionary to the Deaf in the Michigan District since 2001. He is the vice president and co-founder of the Ephphatha Lutheran Mission for the Deaf, a member of the LSB ASL translation team, and a regular interpreter at LWML events. 

Kaye Wolff (not pictured) is a member of Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Dearborn, Michigan which houses Ephphatha’s St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf. Kaye has been instrumental in the support and promotion of the school, Deaf Lutheran mission in the Michigan District, and the growth of interest in the LWML among our Deaf LCMS sisters. 

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This story was originally featured in the Summer 2024 Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. Order your subscription here.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

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