The New Year is just days away. As 2022 comes to a close, take time to reflect on the events of this past year — memories made, events celebrated, times of sorrow or joy — giving praise to the Lord for the blessings of this past year!
Have you ever taken time to recall how you became involved in LWML? Recently at the Assembly of Leaders (AOL) training, I attended the session What’s Your “Why?” and had an opportunity to reflect on just what brought me to be a part of this wonderful organization called LWML. During that session, we shared our “Why” stories. By doing this, we discovered areas and ways to improve and grow while also gathering new ideas for the future.
Take some time to share the What’s Your “Why?” Reflection Tool handout at an upcoming group meeting or event. It can be found at www.lwml.org/aol. Looking back and reflecting can help encourage other sisters in Christ to participate in LWML as we move forward into 2023.
Sherry Burger, President
LWML Nebraska South District