Mustard Seed Daily Devotions
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Christ is Born!

In the Word

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52).

Of the Word

We love to hear about people of power and influence. We admire them and are inspired by them, but we often have a hard time identifying with them. We just can't imagine ourselves, with our weaknesses and limitations, being in their positions!

We can imagine ourselves, however, being born, living in a family, and experiencing joy and sorrow, companionship and loneliness, achievement and failure. After all, we're human! And so was Jesus. Though fully God, He was also fully human. It is through His humanity that we can embrace Him as our Brother and our Friend.

Christ is born! Because He was true Man, He understands what it means to possess little influence and power in the world. He knows what it's like to feel pain and anxiety. He is Immanuel — God with us!

Walking with my Lord

Lord Jesus, You are my Brother and my Friend. I cling to You for peace and comfort. Amen.

Mustard Seed: The Joy of Christmas. 20/32 Author: Patricia Mitchell. ©2011 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, 801 Seminary Place Ste. L010, St. Louis, MO 63105.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from The HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

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