
Stewardship/Giving Resources

Your Mite Offerings Have Made an Impact!

See the difference you have made! View thank you notes, videos, and updates from mission grant recipients. View Now

Gifts of Love articles

Use this month's newsletter article and bulletin sentences from Gifts of Love: 
September 2024 Gifts of Love (Word doc)

Mite Challenge Calendar

Click here to find the most recent Mite Challenge Calendar

Blessings of Giving Stewardship Devotion Series

Author Rev. John Heckmann reflects on the Biblical principles of stewardship and the shares the priceless blessings to be reaped from Christ-centered giving. You loved it published monthly in Treasured News! Now we are offering these devotions in booklet format as free PDF downloads for your group or personal devotion time. The booklets are formatted to print on legal paper, using the "booklet" print utility on your printer. Great as hand outs for stewardship series, or teen study materials, too!

Thank You Video From The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod



LWML Resources