Serving with Gladness

When I think of someone that exemplifies “serving with gladness”, the person from my church that comes to mind is Wanda. Wanda seeks out all the visitors attending our church and encourages them to worship with us again. Goodie bags after the Sunday School Christmas Service are due to Wanda purchasing treats and assembling the bags. Thanks to Wanda, shut-ins are remembered many different times throughout the year; one I enjoy is singing Christmas carols to them. The joy on their faces is evident as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Years ago, Wanda invited me to our church LWML group. She has been and continues to be a mighty prayer warrior for any and all. Her service to the LWML and God’s church is an amazing testament to Christ’s redeeming love for her.

Who in your church exemplifies “serving with gladness”? Consider contributing to “September to Remember” in thankfulness for them and the example they are to all they meet. Thank God for all the Wandas in your life. May we all strive to show God’s love where He has placed us.

Arlene Naasz