Discussing translation issues. What is the best way to communicate this?

Martin Luther wrote, “I wish that this book alone, in all languages, would live in the hands, eyes, ears, and hearts of all people.” When people have God’s Word, it changes their lives in ways they couldn’t imagine. Lutheran Bible Translators is training people from churches in Ethiopia and Tanzania to translate the Bible into their own languages as a part of seminary training. This will be four-year project with 15 trainees working each year. The funds will be used to equip pastors and lay leaders in the translation of God’s Word in the numerous local dialects for the benefit of their Tanzanian and Ethiopian people in their everyday worship.
WHEREAS, The Great Commission of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, commands us to reach out to all at home and abroad; and
WHEREAS, we have recently celebrated the 500th anniversary of Reformation and will soon be celebrating the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's translation of the New Testament into the German language, commonly spoken by his people; and
WHEREAS, Bible translation is a cornerstone of proclamation of the Gospel and inaugurates the arrival of the clear Gospel to communities throughout the world; and
WHEREAS, Christians in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and elsewhere have requested us to work through Lutheran Bible Translators to assist with God's work to communicate the Gospel clearly to people to whom they are called to proclaim the mighty works of God; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates gathered at the 2019 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention in Mobile, Alabama, vote the sum of $95,000 to help fund God’s Word Changes Everything.