Some of the students need special education that only the local public school can give. These children attend the public school in the morning. In the afternoon they receive tutoring and Christian education at a home in the landfill. Director Cory travels to the home to assist in this education.

Despite the conditions of the landfill in which the children live, they are lively, happy and inquisitive. As the children entered the Lights for Christ Program they were socially behind their peers and needed to learn such skills as wearing shoes, holding a pencil and using the toilet.

The primary goal of the Lights for Christ Program is to share the love of Christ with the children and their families. An indication that God it blessing this program is reflected in the baptism of eight of the children in March of 2018. Prior to the baptism, the children and their families had two months of instruction regarding the church and the importance of baptism at Divine Savior Lutheran Church.