Mission Servants Activity of the Month

Have a Joy Filled Baby Shower
for a Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Center in your area!
There are not many more joyous occasions than a baby shower. Put some JOY and EXCITEMENT in your mid-winter society meetings by including an ingathering of baby shower items for a pro-life pregnancy resource center in your area.
The New England District Eastern Zone 2014 Fall Rally included a speaker (Melissa Hathaway) and an in-gathering of needed baby items for Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Some of the collected items included diapers, wipes, baby care items, Enfamil Formula, clothing (sized 24 months) and gently used maternity clothes and strollers.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!