Mission Servants Activity of the Month

“Pack the Pantry 5k”
Establish a “Pack the Pantry 5k” for Your Local Food Pantry
Did you know that hunger exists in literally every county in America? According to a study by Feeding America, one in seven Americans, 46 million people, rely on food pantries and meal service programs to feed themselves and their families nationwide. Twenty-five percent of military families need help putting food on the table. Food pantries rely on food donations to assist in meeting the need. Your society/church can establish a Pack the Pantry 5K race/walk for your community to assist the food pantry near you. The race/walk entry fee is either 25 cans of food or $25.
Every day women and men are walking, jogging, and running to lead a healthier life. This 5K just gives their walk a greater purpose. It will help feed people in need!
Download this flier to print and share!
The 6th Annual Pack the Pantry 5k was held June 11, 2016 at St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Dedham, Massachusetts. The timed race started and ended at St. Luke’s Church. This congregation established the annual race in 2010 to support their local food pantry. About 100 runners/walkers signed up to run/walk the race. There are “ribboned” winners in each of the men’s and women’s different age categories. The race grows each year! There is also an eight week evening drop-in program at the high school track, called “Couch to 5K”, to help people get ready for the race. For more information on how to establish a “Pack the Pantry 5K” in your community you can contact the St. Luke’s Church at office@stlukesdedham.org .
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!