Due to the number of grants this biennium, this month there are two grants featured!

Enhancement of Deaf Ministry and Outreach

2023–2025 Mission Grant 14 — $47,000

woman signing, standing next to video camera and two large screensELMS translation of LSB Divine Service Setting III into ASL being recorded

There are an estimated 500,000 deaf users of American Sign Language (ASL) in the United States, 95% of whom are unchurched. There are 124 local or congregational deaf ministries in the LCMS; however, there is a severe shortage of Lutheran resources and interpreters. Ephphatha Lutheran Mission Society (ELMS) is dedicated to serving and supporting the deaf and hard of hearing community with the Gospel. 

This grant will help provide interpreters and resources to spread the Gospel message to deaf people in the United States by allowing ELMS to expand its Church Interpreter Training Academy to several satellite locations, potentially training more than 100 new interpreters. It will also allow them to continue ASL translation work of the Lutheran Service Book settings 1, 2, 4, and Matins for the benefit of all those who are deaf.

Resources for Grant #14

Large Print Resources for Grant #14

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

Donate to the LWML Mission Goal

Nurturing Faith for the Aging

2023–2025 Mission Grant 17 — $100,000

building with cross in frontWorship Anew says: "We are blessed to have our media center on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary. As a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and a member of Lutheran Services in America, Worship Anew shares the correct interpretation and presentation of biblical doctrine as presented in the Lutheran Confessions and articulated in the Book of Concord. Worship Anew comes alongside the mission of the LCMS to vigorously make known the love of Christ by word and deed."

Lutheran Ministries Media (DBA Worship Anew) is well-known and established in the Lutheran community. It already reaches thousands of people throughout the United States with its 30-minute worship broadcasts and Hope-Full Living daily devotionals. It takes God’s Word to a growing population of aging, unchurched, and those in desperate need of hearing the Gospel. 

Worship Anew is rapidly growing each year and exceptionally positioned to reach a mass audience with the bold proclamation of our Lutheran doctrine through an expansion of printed and web-based resources. It seeks to nurture and strengthen the faith of aging adults by creating Biblical resources that address the concerns and difficulties of this critical stage of life. 

This grant will help develop and continue to provide Gospel-centered resources to our aging population and many others.  

Resources for Grant #17

Large Print Resources for Grant #17

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

Donate to the LWML Mission Goal