And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God (Acts 3:8).
Running — that’s something I haven’t done for years. And being part of a race? Well, that’s out of the question! Yet in just a week, Lutheran women from across the country will be “Running the Race … Looking to Jesus” as they gather with gladness in Lexington.
Prayers have been offered, and countless hours have been spent in preparation for this event. While we may not actually be “running” to Lexington, as the opening worship begins, many will be mentally walking and leaping and praising God for this opportunity and blessing.
Unable to attend convention in person? Join us online to worship, hear the mission speakers, praise the Lord in song, and look to Jesus with Lutheran Women from around the country. Encourage others to watch and praise along with you! Go to www.lwml.org/2021-convention and join in prayer for a safe and joyful convention as we praise the Lord together!
Joy in Jesus,
Sherry Burger, President
LWML Nebraska South District