Mission Service Activity of the Month
May 2021: Raising Christian Children

Including children in mission service activities is important. Serving others is a blessing! Seeing happiness result from our efforts is affirming and uplifting. During this month, take advantage of ways to include children in outreach efforts.
Activity ideas:
Invite children in your congregation to make May baskets. These can be delivered to homebound congregation members, neighbors, family members, police officers, firefighters, health care workers, or anyone you think of who might need a smile.
Possible items to include:
- Card saying “God bless you!” or “Jesus loves you!”
- Card or bookmark from LWML downloadable resources
- Small plant for indoor or outdoor use
- Artificial flowers — purchased or handmade
- Packaged sweet or salty snack items
Assemble items in small box, basket, or bag. Delivery on May 1 is traditional, but happy surprises are a treat on any day!
Another thing that can be done is to make a happy phone call or online visit. Have children prepare for the conversation by making, drawing, or finding something they can share in conversation. When making a phone call, if the technology is available to both parties, encourage the children to take a picture of the item and send it via text or email.
Possible items to discuss:
- Explain the chosen item or drawing
- Share things for which they are thankful
- Ask what the call recipient is thankful for
- Ask how the call recipient can be supported in prayer
- Remind the call recipient that they are loved by our Lord
- Sing a song together like “Jesus Loves Me”
Gospel Focus
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
Devotion as you Plan and Prepare:
Foot Washers from www.lwml.org
Prayer as you Plan and Prepare
Loving God, You have demonstrated the need to show love through caring for others. Bless these gifts, those who prepare them, those who distribute them, and those who receive them. May Your love be evident through their use. Help us always remember how Christ served us by paying for our sins through His death and resurrection. We pray in the name of the Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!