Mission Service Activity of the Month
December 2022: Make Advent Twinkling Lights Wreath

Many times during the Advent and Christmas seasons, we hear about the “great joy” of the angels and shepherds and how a very bright star led the wise men to Jesus. Jesus is our great joy and everlasting light, not only at Christmas time but every day. The December activity is to wrap a wreath with a string of twinkling lights to remind us of the great joy and light that Jesus brings into our dark world. Make two wreaths, one to share and one to keep. As you share the wreath with another, plan to read Advent devotions together with the new twinkling lights wreath shining. Perhaps you could suggest using the wreath year-round at devotion time as a reminder that Christ is the light of the world.
What you need to prepare:
- A purchased grapevine, rattan, or artificial greenery wreath from a craft store.
- A purchased set of small (15-25) mini white (clear) LED plug-in or battery-powered lights.
- Optional: add embellishments (small red berries, ribbon, etc.).
Extra credit: Take pictures of this service activity and submit them to share on your district website, in your district newsletter, or submit an article to the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly.
Gospel Focus
When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy (Matthew 2:10).
Devotion as You Plan
As you plan this service activity, share The Joy of Christmas: Life Light devotion.
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Dear Almighty God, we give You all thanks and praise for Your greatest gift in the birth of Your Son. His birth was announced by the angels with exceeding joy. A bright star led the magi to the Christ Child so they could worship and present their gifts to Him. Christ is the light of the world and our everlasting joy. May we always proclaim His light to others with great joy in our hearts. In Jesus’ most holy name. Amen.
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
Make Advent Twinkling Lights Wreath
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!