Mission Service Activity of the Month
May 2022: Calming Care Kits for Mothers, Expectant Mothers, or Pregnancy Shelters

As we observe Mother’s Day in May, let’s look around and show God’s love to as many mothers and expectant mothers as we can. We want to share with them that they are loved and are being lifted up in prayer.
What you need to prepare:
- Gather supplies for each mother you want to acknowledge. Items may include coloring pages or bookmarks from the LWML website, markers, lotion, bath bombs, tea bags, a lavender or vanilla candle, and a gift bag to hold the items.
- Include Mustard Seed Devotions or a personal note or prayer for each bag.
- Choose mothers in your congregation or community who will receive these Calming Care kits. What a blessing it will be for a mother to receive heartfelt messages and prayers with these personal calming items.
Extra credit: Take photos of this service activity and submit them to share on your district website or in your district newsletter.
Gospel Focus
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these (Luke 12:27).
Devotion as You Plan:
As you plan this service activity, you may want to share this devotion: www.lwml.org/posts/devotion/as-a-mother-comforts-her-child
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare:
Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our cries. Thank you for being with us when we feel alone, bringing us comfort when we are hurt, and bringing us peace when we are troubled. Help us to show love and comfort to others, especially to young mothers and expectant mothers. Guide us to be Your loving hands where love is needed most. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen.
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
Calming Care Kits for Mothers, Expectant Mothers, or Pregnancy Shelters
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!