Mission Service Activity of the Month
April 2023: Showers of Blessings

April showers bring May flowers! How often have you heard that phrase or even said that phrase? As we consider all the blessings that are “showered” down on us from God, let us think about the blessings of birth. Making connections at this special time is a unique opportunity for us to share God’s love.
Preparations for this activity:
- Contact your church for names of members expecting a baby.
- Contact the local hospital /pregnancy center to determine if it is okay to give a gift to the parents/child.
- Purchase a small diaper bag or backpack in a neutral color.
- Choose from the following items to fill the bag…diapers, wipes, portable changing pad, diaper cream, onesie, burp cloth, soft swaddling blanket, pacifier, socks, or cap.
- Mustard Seed Devotions (Link: Love, Laughter, and Lullabies, cph.org/LWML40219).
- Include a special card/note of encouragement.
- Add contact and worship service information for your church/pastor to include with backpacks given to hospitals or pregnancy centers (if approved).
Take pictures of this activity in progress if doing this as a group project. Obtain permission to take pictures of the recipients with their bags. Submit the pictures to share on your district website or in your district newsletter.
Gospel Focus:
I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing (Ezekiel 34:26b).
Devotion as you plan:
As you plan this activity, you may want to share this devotion “Love, Laughter, and Lullabies – A Sweet Tooth Craving”.
Prayer as you plan and prepare:
Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd who delights in little ones and gently leads those who are with child, we thank You for your marvelous mercy. We praise You for the gift of children. Keep these expectant mothers and also those who have given birth, in Your care. Give them the strength for the coming days and help them be the kind of mothers who will please You. Send Your guardian angels to watch over and shield babies from all danger of body or soul. We pray that these little ones may be brought to the font to receive the life-giving waters of Holy Baptism. In Your most holy name. Amen.
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!