Mission Service Activity of the Month
September 2022: Prayer Throws for Warmth and Comfort

As many experience the challenges of cancer, a fleece prayer throw can provide warmth during transportation to and from treatment, comfort during treatment, and support knowing that, with each knot, a prayer is lifted for them.
This is a project that can be put together during a group meeting and gifted to members of the church or cancer care facilities in your area. You will need
- 2 pieces of fleece, about 1 to 1-1/4 yards each
- a pair of fabric scissors or a rotary cutter
- a cutting board (or another kind of cutting surface)
- a ruler or straight-edge
- Mustard Seeds or a prayer book
- a notecard explaining that prayers have been said for the throw recipient
Lay the two pieces of fleece, wrong sides together, and trim to make them the same size. Cut out a square 3-4 inches from each corner. Next, cut out slits — like a fringe — about 3 inches deep all the way around the fabric. The fringe cuts are made about an inch apart. Tie the matching top and bottom fringe pieces together into double knots. Say a prayer for the recipient with each knot you tie. Continue tying all the way around the fabric until the throw is complete!
Fold the blanket/throw and wrap it with a ribbon. Add the notecard and a Mustard Seed devotion or a Portals of Prayer to complete the gift.
Extra credit: Post on Facebook or write an article for your district newsletter or the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly.
Gospel Focus
Pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16).
Devotion as You Plan:
As you plan this service activity use the devotion, In Times of Need: Help, Lord!
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare:
Heavenly Father, please provide encouragement to those suffering from cancer and show them what they need from Your Word to see them through. Give wisdom to all who are working to find treatments and cures for cancer, and in Your time, relieve those who are suffering. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Download the printable PDF of this Mission Service Activity
Prayer Throws for Warmth and Comfort
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!