Mission Service Activity of the Month
Fall: Pack the Pantry
Thanksgiving is portrayed as a time of bounty. Pictures of tables packed with luscious food are seen in grocery ads, on magazine covers, and on television. For some, those images are reminders of what they do not have. When circumstances place people in need of basic food supplies, it can be difficult to feel thankful. Consider hosting a food drive in your congregation. Contact your local food pantry and ask what is needed. Also ask what hours they are open for pick-up. Advertise those needs in your congregation. Collect items and deliver them so community members can have a full table for Thanksgiving.
Alternate idea: Locate families in your community that are in need. Collect the items for a Thanksgiving dinner, including a frozen turkey. Arrange a time to deliver the items. Include a note of encouragement and sign it from your LWML group or church congregation.

Possible food pantry donations:
- Traditional Thanksgiving food items like stuffing and sweet potatoes
- Canned chicken or ham
- Simple dessert ingredients like angel food cake, fruit pie filling, and whipped cream
- Ethnic foods common in your area
- Juice
- Paper products
- Foods with pop-top lids
- Powdered milk or cocoa mix
- Disposable baking pans or serving dishes
- Can openers
- Hearty soups or chili
Remember not everyone receiving these items has an oven, microwave, or even a can opener. They may not have anything to use as serving dishes. Talk to those working at the food pantry about what is really needed.
Gospel Focus
And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise” (Luke 3:11).
Devotion as you plan and prepare
“Sharing the Bread of Life” from LWML archived devotions.
“5 Images of the Giving Christian” from LWML archived devotions.
“God’s Plan for One Ordinary Woman” from LWML archived devotions.
Prayer as you plan and prepare
Heavenly Father, give us thankful hearts. Give us eyes to see the needs in our community. Help us gather items that will bless those in need. Let our works reflect Your love. Use our efforts to bring others to You. Help us make our churches welcoming places to those in need. Thank You for the daily bread with which you bless us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!