Mission Service Activity of the Month
October 2020: Lord, I Can Only Handle this with You!

Life happens. Disasters change our circumstances. Illness impacts our daily lives. The unknown is frightening! How easy it would be to sink into despair. Our loving God knows all our needs and is always there for us. During times when we feel helpless, it is essential that we rely on God’s words of encouragement. It is also critical that we look for people who need to hear those comforting words. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).
Encouraging Activity Ideas
- Download and print the PDF of the Encouraging Bible Verses resource.
Cut them apart and include one in a note or with a small treat that you can mail or deliver, such as:- A teabag or instant coffee packet
- A pretty hankie or themed-tissue packet
- A sweet treat like candy, cookies, or a muffin
- A “coupon” for an “anytime” phone call
- Fresh fruit
- Veggies for a batch of soup
- Small plant
- An encouraging book
- A handmade or decorated item
- Leave an encouraging sidewalk chalk message or a door note.
- Call someone you know who needs a listening ear or some conversation.
- Set up a conference call with a group of friends who are unable to meet in person.
- Plan an online coffee break.
- Call and pray with someone who is feeling alone.
- Share a link to an encouraging devotion, song, or video.
- Plan to attend online church together, and then share your thoughts after the service.
- Encourage a friend to sign up for daily Mustard Seed Devotions at www.lwml.org/mustard-seed-devotions.
- Plan a socially appropriate walk or coffee time.
Gospel Focus
[Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
Prayer as You Plan and Prepare
Loving Father, we need Your comfort and strength. Help us to see the blessings You provide every day. Give us the strength to spend committed time in Your Word. Help us seek others who need encouragement and bless us through serving others. Thank You for providing so many Scripture passages of promise, love, and strength. Help us turn to You when we feel overwhelmed. Thank You for Your unending love! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
The Gospel Outreach Committee would love to hear about, and share, your mission service activities! Please contact the Vice President of Gospel Outreach here. Thank you!