“The League Pledge” has been used in LWML meetings, rallies, gatherings, get-togethers, and conventions. The pledge was introduced and adopted in 1955, an amazing 68 years ago. This Pledge “reminds us of the essence of our reasons for being in mission and our pledge of commitment to our Lord. Every time we recite the League Pledge we are recommitting ourselves to God’s Mission Work. This is a commitment we make intentionally and with honor.” Introduction to the Responsive Reading.
But did you know that in 2020 a responsive reading based on the pledge was made available? This responsive reading breaks down the pledge and answers that age old Lutheran question, “What does this mean?”
The pledge and responsive reading can be found on the LWML website (lwml.org). Look under the word ABOUT on the home page and click on Who We Are. Open “League Pledge and Songs.”
Mix things up a bit at your next meeting or gathering. Try the Responsive Reading in place of reciting the traditional League Pledge. It will help answer “What does this mean?”
Carol Reis
LWML Oregon District President