Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Webster defines “gratitude” as “the state of being grateful; thankfulness.”
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Have an attitude of gratitude!” The Bible tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances,” but this is not always the easiest thing to do. Many people in today’s world have lost touch with the true meaning of gratitude, which is drowned out by their busy, hectic lives. They take for granted all the good things in their lives, and miss out on the benefits of gratitude, which are greater than many people realize.
Studies have shown that “an attitude of gratitude” can improve resilience, self-esteem, overall energy, enhance happiness and optimism, and lower stress and anxiety. One study showed that participants who wrote thank you letters or kept “gratitude journals” regularly showed significantly better mental health than those who did not.
Check out our LWML website at for some great resources, along with Bible studies in our Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, to remind us to “Give thanks in all circumstances,” and keep our focus on Jesus. Start each day with an attitude of gratitude and see how God will continue to richly bless you!
Arlene Price
LWML New Jersey District President