Sisters in Christ

“For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:50).

Many of you may have a sister as a sibling. Though I have brothers and sisters-in law, I don’t have any biological sisters. Within the LWML I am blessed to have many sisters in Christ. What a privilege it is to share with them as we rejoice together over the birth of a new grandchild, cry over the loss of a loved one, pray for healing, and laugh over comical incidents. Belonging and feeling part of a group is a comfort and a joy — especially knowing we are all striving to do God’s will in our lives.

The Mailbox Member Program (MMP) is an intentional way to reach out to women in your congregation. You have the opportunity to connect with your fellow sisters in Christ and help them be Lutheran Women in Mission. To learn about MMP and how to implement this resource, click here. May God bless you, as you share with your sisters in Christ.

Arlene Naasz