Have you ever wondered how to reach out to the women of your congregation who aren’t able to attend your local LWML group? They may be in a nursing home, or the timing of your meeting doesn’t allow them to attend. The LWML Mailbox Member Program (MMP) is an intentional way to reach the women of your congregation. MMP can be found under Group Resources located under the Service tab on the LWML home page at lwml.org.
This monthly program is designed to connect women to the Word through the Bible studies and articles in the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly and to service opportunities available through the LWML and local groups.
The Mailbox Member Program gives you a guide on the type of information and devotions you can send out to the ladies of your congregation either in person, by email, or postal. The program enables us to connect with the women of our congregations to let them know we are praying for them and encouraging them to be in God’s Word.
In Christ,
LaurieAnn Totenhagen
LWML ND District President