2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #18
“Ends of Earth” Scholarships
Mission Opportunities Short Term (MOST) Ministries — $50,000
Watch the video about this mission grant!
About This Mission Grant
MOST Ministries is receiving more requests from LCMS missionaries and national church leaders to provide teams to go to the "ends of the earth" places such as Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, and Sri Lanka to work side-by-side with missionaries, sharing the Gospel. The travel cost (up to $5,050) of the short-term mission trips to these distant places has become prohibitive, and has made it challenging for willing people to join a team. Currently, team members are personally responsible for their total per person cost. Not only do they use personal funds, but they are encouraged to reach out to members of the body of Christ to participate in the mission with encouragements, prayers, and financial support. This grant would offer financial support to cover up to one-half the cost of each participant, not to exceed $2,000.
Mission Grant Resources
featured October 2022
Bulletin Flyer (b/w half page insert, 2 per page)
Prayer Guide & Story (combined)
Large Print Resources for Grant #18
Updates and Articles
Mission Grant article — MOST: Making a Difference to the Ends of the Earth
Mission Grant update — Thank you for the MOST Mission Trip Opportunity

"It is in the eyes of the children that we see the future"
— Unknown Author.
After receiving sunglasses to protect their eyes, Muzi Khumalo shares the gospel message through finger puppets with some of the children the MOST Ministries team met while in South Africa serving on an Eyeglass team. Muzi proclaims "It is our duty to take care of the future, to ensure that those that come behind us, live as generously happy as we did. It is through the caring for our children that we will succeed in this."

MOST Ministries Eyeglass team to Ethiopia was especially important; the students we were serving are deaf, so seeing is also "hearing". If the student cannot see the teacher's signing (a system analogous to American Sign Language), the student cannot "hear" the teacher. Here a student is using his hand to indicate which way the hand on the chart is pointing. Depending on how far down the chart the student can distinguish the hands, the tester can determine what strength correction the student needs (or does not need) for glasses.
Approved Resolution at the LWML Convention
WHEREAS, in response to Jesus' words in Acts 1:8, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth, MOST Ministries is firmly committed to sharing the Gospel while meeting the needs of hurting people through loving service; and
WHEREAS, in response to requests from LCMS missionaries and national church leaders, teams are sent to work side-by-side with them to strategically open doors for sharing the Gospel; and
WHEREAS, MOST is receiving more requests from "ends of the earth" places such as Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, and Sri Lanka; and
WHEREAS, the prohibitive cost of travel to these places (up to $5,050), has made it challenging for willing people to join a team, and it is a tragedy that MOST has had to deny requests from the field because of the inability to recruit enough team members, resulting in lost opportunities to share the Gospel with approximately 11,400 people; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the delegates of the 2021 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Convention scheduled for Lexington, Kentucky, vote the sum of $50,000 to help fund “Ends of Earth" Scholarships.
More Mission Grant Photos

MOST Ministries Eyeglass Team members along with the Caring Friends Team of St. Peter's Confessional Lutheran Church in South Africa pray over a survivor of a machete attack. She arrived seeking glasses to correct her vision but left feeling loved and cared for by those surrounding her and her Heavenly Father; sharing the Gospel is always a priority.

"We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand/We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand/And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land/and they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love/yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love."
By Mark Scholtes
This blind gentleman was led to the MOST Ministries Eyeglass Clinic in Tanzania by his teenage son. As he arrived, our team member took him by the hand and led him into the clinic where he would be examined. After some time, it was determined that he would benefit from a white cane. Time was spent teaching him how to maneuver using the cane. We pray that that he now feels secure not only in his ability to get around but also in the fact that Jesus loves him.

Prayer walking through a village in Thailand, the MOST Ministries team stopped to pray with a widower in need of renewed health and strength.

On this beautiful morning in Uganda, the MOST Ministries Water and Agriculture team teaches the local children in a remote village about Jesus.