When I think of what LWML has given me, I think of many things. LWML has provided me with “family” members that I really needed at this point in my life. Let me tell you a little more!
I grew up as an only child, my father died when I was 11, and my mother passed away when I was 41. So I have been without parents for a number of years. When I joined LWML and began to participate in all of the activities it offers to serve our Lord, I met Alberta Barnes, our dear Past LWML President who recently received her crown of life. We became good friends, and I came to love her as a second mother. I don’t think I’m being presumptuous in saying that I think she thought of me as a daughter, too. I also became acquainted with a wonderful lady from Toledo, Ohio, Lillian Keller, who has become the sister I never had. Both she and Alberta were my LWML mentors. Then I met Kelly Miller, a young woman who was my president’s page at both LWML Ohio District Conventions. You guessed it – she has become the LWML daughter I never had! So through LWML, I gained a second mother, sister, and daughter!
These is just one of my countless stories about how LWML has enriched my life. The Time is NOW to get involved in LWML. Soon you will be telling your stories and sharing with others how LWML has blessed you. I will never stop using the gifts God has given me to further the mission and vision of this wonderful organization!
Joy A. Dougherty
LWML Recording Secretary