Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Fall 2024 "The Lord is Near"
Editor's Note

Anxiety, loneliness, or indecision can leave us feeling sad, inadequate, or depressed. Feelings of brokenness often make us want to hide from others. After all, we’re Christians! We know we can rely on God. We know He is near the brokenhearted, but … then … doubts swell up against our knowledge and our hearts.
Each of us has a story of brokenness. Here’s mine:
In February 2024, my husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma. It’s not rare. It’s the most common kind of brain cancer. So I know Don and I are not alone in our experience of physical change, shock, uncertainty, resection, therapies, and the knowledge that what is being done now will not last forever. Yet, when asked how things are, my response is often “fine” or “It is what it is.” At first, it was all my broken heart could manage. Taking things one step at a time was all my brain could do. Silently, repeatedly, I prayed, “My life is in Your hands. I’m never without hope. My future is with You.”
God hears us! After a few months of a changed world, I see blessings: the beauty of friends and family (near and far) who love and care for us; the knowledge of what not to say to others who are broken; and the awareness of many, many prayers offered for us. Even a prognosis that death will come sooner than we would like is a blessing. It has and will allow us to plan for the next year (hopefully, years) before he goes to his eternal home. We know it’s all in God’s hands.
God is faithful. We feel His powerful hand upon us and the strength of His Spirit within us each day, the strength that revives our crushed spirits, especially when doubts threaten to creep in — again.
That’s my story. What’s yours? Can you identify with one of the stories in this issue? Can you share your story with the brokenhearted around you? May God bless you as you do.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
Only select articles from this issue are available for free download to read online.
Please purchase the non-subscription single issue or an eQuarterly subscription to read the full publication.
| Editor’s Note
1 | Praying the Psalms: Psalm 35
14 | Grants at Work: Healthy Together: Healthy Workers, Healthy Church or read it online here
15 | 2023–2025 Mission Grants
28 | Shop LWML
29 | President’s Page — Words of Promise
available to download and print
17 | A Reason to Celebrate — Bible Study
| A Reason to Celebrate — Leader Guide
18 | The Lord, My Helper, Keeps Me — Leader Guide
20 | El Señor, Mi Ayudador, Me Guarda — Bible Study
| El Señor, Mi Ayudador, Me Guarda — Leader Guide
22 | Christ’s Steadfastness: The Apostle’s Creed — Second Article — Leader Guide
Future Quarterly Themes
Share your story with us at
Freedom as Children of God
SPRING 2025 (Submit by 10/1/24)
How has God’s gift of freedom been manifested in your life? Exhortation? Joyous worship? Turning the other cheek? Stepping out in faith? Praising the Lord and doing good?
… that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God (Romans 8:21).
Bear One Another's Burdens
SUMMER 2025 (Submit by 1/1/25)
We were not made to “go it alone.” How have you helped others through grief, disappointment, lies, loss of a loved one, weariness, indecision, heartbreak ….?
Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).