
LWQ Spring 2006

Lutheran Women's Response to KATRINA


"I hope I don't get caught" is what I thought when I picked up my first copy of the Quarterly.

On a break from a youth group gathering at a neighboring Lutheran church, I had wandered into the hallway outside the kitchen and was drawn to the handouts on a tract rack.

"There's actually a magazine for Lutheran women? Wow! When did that happen?"

As I thumbed through a copy, I was careful not to crimp the pages, since I figured those magazines belonged to the women of that church ... and were not intended for me to take home. I had just enough time to read the President's article (it was short, after all) before I had to return the magazine to the rack and get back to my meeting.

Our youth group continued to meet at that church twice a month, and each time I would return to the tract rack to read the Quarterly, bit by bit. One day, I even got brave enough to take home an outdated, well-worn copy, after the church secretary told me I didn't have to stand there reading it.

But l continued to wonder why I never saw this magazine at my home church, especially since we had very active day and evening LWML groups. Perhaps copies were handed out only to those women who attended the society meetings?

So, where are your Quarterlies? In members' hands only? Keeping your Quarterly in your Bible or purse is fine, but if you do that, please consider calling the LWML Office to purchase a few extra single copies of this issue to give away. Let teens and young women know that the Quarterly now has sections designed especially for them!

Leave a few extra magazines out where women of all ages can discover them for the first time and "get caught"-hooked! - on the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly.

Nancy Graf Peters


  2 Surving When Steeples Are Falling PDF
  6 You Don't Need to Forgive Yourself PDF
  8 No Necesitas Perdonarte (You Don't Need to Forgive Yourself) PDF
10 A Symphony of Open Hearts PDF
14 Receiving Good Things (From God) PDF
15 Help Us. Save Us. PDF
16 A Survivor's Prayer PDF
17 Let's Pray PDF
24 LWML Women: A History of Open and Caring Hearts PDF
40 LWML Committees 2005-2007 PDF

In Every Issue

  1 btw (By the Way) PDF
18 Young Women PDF
20 Gamma Chi Delta - Teens PDF
23 President's Page PDF
36 Heartbeat PDF
43 Grants at Work PDF
44 etc ... PDF

Bible Studies

26 Give It a Rest! The Perfect Gift PDF
29 The "Heart" of Gods Word PDF
32 Cry Out to God PDF

Full LWQ File:  2006spring.pdf


LWML Resources