Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Spring 2020 "Vision 20/20"

Editor's Note
What's it like to have perfect 20/20 vision or a perfect vision for 2020? Many years ago, I learned, from our then 7-year-old son, that it’s all a matter of perspective. My husband and three brothers-in-law were standing and talking when the conversation turned to which of them had the most hair (two were already balding). When our son came in, they chose him to decide. This young judge slowly contemplated each head and answered, “Daddy.” Peals of laughter erupted from the adults (since Daddy was one of the balding men). When asked why, he said, “Because Daddy has the most hair in his nose.”
It’s a silly story, I know, but I’m reminded of it often in my walk on this earth: when my eyes do not see what others see, when I work with someone with a different perspective, and when my vision for my future is not what God has planned for me. This “Vision 20/20” issue addresses many perspectives: practical, physical, emotional, and biblical.
We on the LWQ staff pray that God would give us 20/20 vision as we go about His work for us, and we pray that He guides you as you serve Him in His kingdom and share the news of
His love and salvation with eyes that are clear, focused with His 20/20 vision for Vision 20/20.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
2 Mollie Hemingway: I Am Not Ashamed
6 Jehovah-Jireh. The Lord Will Provide
7 Your Role is Important
8 I Love to Tell the Story: The Gift of Sight
9 God’s 20/20 Vision
10 Bringing Sight and Christ’s Love to South Africa
13 Head Out On a Lenten Journey
BONUS: Lenten Journey Template
26 2019–2021 LWML Committees and Teams
In Every Issue
Editor's Note
1 Praying the Psalms: Psalm 40
12 Special Focus Ministries: Focus on the Future, DIY Appreciation for Church Workers, Staying Focused on Christ in Daily Life
13 INK Spot: Take Another Look at the LWML Logo and its Meaning
14 Grants@Work: Restoring Hope in Detroit or read it online here
15 Grants@Work: Mission Grants
22 Lutheran Women in Action
28 Shop LWML
29 President's Page: We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
Bible Studies
available to download and print
16 Come and See, Go and Tell
Come and See, Go and Tell — Leader Guide
18 Vengan y Vean, Vayan y Digan
20 Burning Hearts and Opened Eyes
Burning Hearts and Opened Eyes — Leader Guide
21 Focus Lost ... Focus Restored
Focus Lost ... Focus Restored — Leader Guide