Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Spring 2021 "HIS Witnesses"

Editor's Note
In 1996, the LWML committees gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, for their annual meeting. The hotel where we stayed and worked invited speakers to entertain diners in the bar area each Friday. As we passed by to our luncheon spot, we saw that the speaker that day was a psychic. Most of us saw the sign, and all of us passed by — all but one. Bernice came to lunch last, stopped all of us as we were beginning to eat, and prayed with us — that no one would attend that lunch and that the psychic would turn to Christ. I often think of that day, praying that my eyes will be open when prayers are needed. Bernice didn’t stop there, though; after lunch, she went to the bar to witness. She found the psychic perplexed. She’d spoken there before, with audiences of 12–20, but, on this occasion, NO ONE came. Bernice was HIS witness that day. Another valuable, in-person lesson for me: prayer is powerful and effective, but so is the power of the Spirit as we tell of our Lord and all He has done. I must not neglect the important — being HIS witness — for the necessary — like an LWML task in front of me. I may be called at any time to witness or to support someone who is witnessing. Each task and person that comes my way will not always be the same — the same for me or the same sent your way — but all will be as God directs.
Rejoice in being HIS witness.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
2 | One Simple Step
3 | This Cloud of Witnesses
6 | Serving in Retirement
7 | A Legacy of Mission Hearts
10 | Encourage
11 | Reaching the World
12 | Candidates for LWML Offices
30 | Information about the 2021 Prayer Service
In Every Issue
| Editor’s Note
1 | Praying the Psalms: Psalm 96
14 | Grants at Work: God’s Grace for This Generation LAMP Ministry, Inc. or read it online here
15 | Grants at Work: Mission Grants
23 | INK Spot: Little Known Facts About LWML Conventions
24 | Special Focus Ministries
25 | Lutheran Women in Action
28 | Shop LWML
29 | President's Page: How Will We Be His Witness?
Bible Studies
available to download and print
16 | Joy in His Presence
18 | Gozo en Su Presencia
20 | Life is Like Swiss Cheese
| Life is Like Swiss Cheese — Leader Guide
22 | Rejoice Always
Rejoice Always — Leader Guide