“Thank the Lord and sing His praise; tell everyone what He has done … Alleluia, alleluia” (Lutheran Service Book, page 164).
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we can feel overwhelmed by the busyness of this national holiday. We have to clean our house for the visiting relatives, buy the turkey and all the trimmings, set the table for the feast, make sure there are enough chairs in front of the television for the football fanatics, and try to remember where we put that turkey platter after last year’s dinner.
As Americans we can’t help but be caught up in the day’s hype; as Christians we can move beyond it. We know that November 27 is just one of the 365 days this year when we can thank the Lord for what He has done for us. The Time is NOW to tell our family and friends why we are thankful for God’s mercy and grace, and for the work of the LWML in spreading His Gospel throughout the world!
Barbara Volk
LWML Parliamentarian