Helping Hands Initiative — LCMS National Housing Support Corporation


Grant Amount: $100,000

  • These funds would provide construction materials, tools, home repair allotment, Laborers for Christ fees and financial literacy training for ten home projects for low-income, disabled, and/or elderly residents near LCMS congregations. It provides a way for congregations to reach out to their local communities through housing repair services.

Resources for Mission Grant #15

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) National Housing Support Corporation (NHSC) is launching the “Helping Hand” home repair initiative in a U.S. city in the spring of 2016. This rehab initiative is focused on supporting critical home repair needs of low-income, disabled and/or elderly residents near LCMS congregations. It will give congregations a tool to care for their neighbors’ bodily needs while opening doors to provide Word and Sacrament ministry to unreached individuals and families in their community. 

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