Comfort, comfort my people, says your God (Isaiah 40:1).
Advent! Christmas! A happy time! But, is it, for everyone?
Christ came to give us comfort, and that comfort is in Him. However, all our human celebrations of His coming may be overwhelming for many in our communities and congregations. Think of the newly widowed, the young woman who just endured a miscarriage, or the family who is trying to make ends meet financially and now feels they need to provide even more for their children through gifts and treats. Many people, as an Advent hymn shares, are “mourning beneath their sorrows’ load.” As much as we want to prepare for Christ in our hearts and homes, the reality of life and its sorrows, for so many reasons, are still present in our sinful world.
Take time to share words of comfort and inspiration to those who worship beside you and those you meet throughout your day. Serve God by listening, reaching out, and sharing His love in the coming weeks. Share His comfort.
Katy Gifford, President
LWML Nebraska South District