Connected. What thoughts come to mind when you hear this word?
Each Christian’s connection with their Lord is established in Holy Baptism when the Spirit generates faith in Jesus and we are made God’s own children. The Spirit helps us stay connected to Christ through Word and Sacraments.
We also become connected to the family of believers, who support and uphold us. We crave the love of our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ, especially during forced separations. That can be a challenge in a world of sickness, anxiety, uncertainty, and apprehension.
How can we connect, even from a distance?
- Stay connected to God by being in His Word daily.
- Share a Bible passage of encouragement and give an LWML sister a “virtual hug” and your love in Christ by phone, email, text, or mailing a card.
- Glean ways to stay in God’s Word, to serve others, and to support the work of the LWML. Connect with the LWML website, www.lwml.org.
- Pray without ceasing for your sisters in Christ.
God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1 John 4:16b).
Shari Miller, President
LWML Montana District