When I was a girl, my aunt gave me the opportunity to volunteer at a summer program for deaf students. It made an impact on me. I learned signing basics and taught them to my dad. We still say “I love you!” — in sign language!
Have you ever tried to follow along with the interpreter at an LWML convention? Or maybe you have always wanted to learn a new language? Here is your opportunity! Why not try your “hands” at learning sign language?
The LWML recently launched a new outreach to the Deaf community: www.lwml.org/deaf-ministry. The primary focus is to educate, encourage, and connect members of the LWML with our Deaf and Hard of Hearing sisters so that we may welcome them as participants at all LWML events.
One of my favorite resources for this ministry on the LWML website is www.asldeafined.com. Just enter a word like “Jesus” or “Bible” in the search box, and a short video will pop up showing you how to sign that word.
Happy Sign-ing!
MaryBeth Heikkinen, President
LWML Michigan District