The year 2020 was a challenge! When I need to get through a challenging day or situation, I must begin with God’s Word. My Bible is on my smartphone, so it is accessible any time, day or night.
One of my favorite helpful apps is the LWML app. Each day I am in God’s Word through the LWML daily devotions, and inspiring podcasts. Enriching Bible studies from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly such as “Held by His Word in Uncertain Times,” can also be found there.
As an LWML District President, I encourage women to download this app and use it daily to give them and others hope and comfort. So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)
Download the app today. You will be held by God’s Word which never returns empty, but accomplishes all according to His plan, even during challenging times.
Serving joyfully,
Becky Haltaufderheid, President
LWML North Wisconsin District