and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them” (Luke 21:2–3).
When Jesus watched the widow give her two small coins, He saw in her heart that she had made the biggest gift of all those who had contributed; she gave all she had. Our LWML mites are based on this biblical story.
We are in the 40-day Lenten season, a time when many practice the tradition of “giving up something for Lent.” Have you ever given up chocolate, Starbucks coffee, or a special treat? It may remind us how Jesus willingly gave up “all He had” — His life — for the forgiveness of our sins.
This Lenten season, let’s drop those coins we would have spent for treats into our Mite Box, to continue spreading the Gospel to the lost and giving them hope in Jesus.
Deb Vinkemeier, President
LWML Minnesota South District