Isaiah 6:8 . . . “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send Me.”
I love this scripture and it has been very important in my life . . . especially when I decided to go on the five mission trips I’ve been blessed to be a part of. I’ve been to Alaska, Guatemala, Navajo Nation twice and most recently Nicaragua. On each trip we were prepared to minister to the local people but I was surprised to find that I always came away more blessed than I could have imagined.
God will put us in situations where we can witness with our lives. You don’t have to go on an organized mission trip far from home. Right where you live is a huge mission field. If you are asked “how do you handle your situations with such joy, peace and grace,” be sure to give the credit completely to The LORD. Share with your neighbors, friends and family that it is not you that gets you through your daily situations . . . it is your faith, your church, your fellow believers who keep you in their prayers. God is so good to have put us in this Mission Field right in our own back yards!!
Prayer: Dear LORD, thank you for being my faith God who gives me the strength and guidance I need on a daily basis to handle any situation that may come my way. Please let me be a witness to all I come in contact with no matter what the situation may be. You are a mighty God and I love and praise you. Amen!
Linda Larson
Utah-Idaho District President