“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
Do you think of God as being a part of every detail of your life or do you keep God in a little box where you can access him in times of need? Do you stress about details and think they are too small for God to mess with, because he might be busy with bigger things? We like to keep God in a box – where we can understand him, and how or where he works. But God doesn’t stay in our box!
In the book of Esther, God is not once specifically mentioned by name. However in Esther and her uncle Mordecai’s lives, God is working to bring about his purpose. As members of the Jewish community, in exile and powerless against the Persian Empire, I am sure Esther or Mordecai wanted God to work in a specific way (and quickly) inside the box they defined for him. They feared for their lives and the lives of everyone who were like them, and yet God made Esther queen and Mordecai a leader. Maybe you’ve never faced a life threatening situation in the way Esther and Mordecai did, but God is still at work in the details of your life.
As you prepare for your next LWML event or inviting a new woman to join your group, remember God is in the details and he directs where you are going. Have confidence that God is there working in the details! He has a plan for each and every detail.
Crystal Miller
Nebraska North District President
Growth and Development Committee, Chair