Good Friday

 We often think of good in terms of a productive activity or a joyous event. We would comment, “I had a good day at work.” Or we would reflect, “That was a good birthday party; everyone had a lot of fun.” We enjoy good times with our friends and are encouraged when things go well.

On the Friday in which Jesus was crucified, suffered, and died, the Christian Church seeks to engage people with the word good, as in Good Friday. What's good about putting anyone to death, especially by the Roman means of crucifixion? The good in Good Friday refers to what this death means for us. The Apostle Paul concluded: For our sake [God] made [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians5:21).

On Good Friday our sins are paid in full. Nothing could be better for us. That is why we worship “Jesus Christ Above All.”
