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1/12/2025 Weekly article

Time for a Clean Sweep?

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).

As the new year begins, it is time to reflect on areas where we can improve our lives. Many make resolutions to do something specific for their health, home, family, or personal devotion time for faith-building and prayers.

Individuals are not alone on this improvement journey. The Lutheran Women in Mission Board of Directors is working through strategic planning. Looking to the future, we discuss practices in our organization that need a “clean sweep.” Our communication methods, event planning, and volunteer structure benefit from a review of their importance, relevancy, and efficiency. We also review whether practices need to be eliminated, streamlined, or updated.

Your local group may wish to do the same thing by using helpful Group Development resources on the LWML website. I recommend using “Time for a ‘Clean Sweep?’” to challenge your group to self-evaluate — all for the ultimate purpose of proclaiming Christ, supporting missions, and equipping women to honor God by serving others.

Happy cleaning!

Brenda Piester

1/05/2025 Weekly article


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Discernment is the process of understanding and applying God’s Word to a situation and one’s life. This week, the Mission Grant Selection Committee is in the final stage of reviewing and selecting the grant proposals that will be placed on the ballot for the 2025 LWML Convention in Omaha. God tells us to “Go and Tell.” That is why Lutheran Women in Mission have been supporting mission grants and ministry work around the world since 1942.

The Mission Grants Selection Committee have been individually praying for discernment as they have read through each of the 112 grant proposals submitted. Now, relying on God and the discernment He will provide, the committee concludes their work.

How can you help? PRAY! Lift the nine committee members in prayer this week, asking God to guide their thoughts and decisions, so that together they may discern where He is leading them in this process.

Serving in Joy,

Karen Morrison

12/29/2024 Weekly article

New Things

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5a).

This week marks the end of one calendar year and the beginning of another. What will the new year bring? You might begin the new year with new goals or resolutions. You may be looking forward to special events such as the Omaha LWML Convention which will provide the opportunity to grow in grace and make new friends while reconnecting with old ones.

2025 will also bring almost 50 new online Mustard Seed devotions marking both sacred and secular holidays. Subscribe for free to Mustard Seed devotions through the LWML app or online at Then, freely forward them to others (or print and share them with those who do not have a computer or smartphone). Online Mustard Seeds also have an audio feature for those who are visually challenged and select devotions will be translated into American Sign Language.

God bless you as you serve Him with gladness throughout the new year!

Ruth Badciong

12/22/2024 Weekly article

Pure Joy

“Joy to the world the Lord has come let earth receive her King!” During this Christmas season that is what we have received, the gift of the King of the universe. He who is King over all things has come to us as an infant born in usual fashion and laid in a manger. This King is here to get His hands dirty. Those hands will get dirty with the sin and yuck of our lives and He is doing so for us. And yes, we have great joy over the fact that Jesus has graciously come to do so! Not because our hands are clean. But precisely because our hands are not clean. Jesus is born to make us clean. He does so by getting dirty Himself in taking our sins into Himself and dying in our stead. We have great joy because God gets dirty for us.

There are numerous Lutheran Women in Mission Bible studies which will help you to understand this joyous dirty work of the Lord for us. Find them at

Rev. Mark Maas

12/15/2024 Weekly article

Looking Forward

For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God (Hebrews 11:10).

Looking forward is typical for most people. Usually, it is a looking forward to something better than what one has now. Of course, the damage that sin causes, in everything, causes one to be cautious and reserved so that one is not so disappointed when what one hoped would come to be does not. Yet, there are times in life that God allows for things to be better. Our Christmas celebrations are often some of those. The joy of the carols, the getting together with family, the great message of hope through Jesus, often cause it to be so. And even when it doesn’t always turn out as we wish, we have a vastly greater event awaiting us. It is the very same thing to which Abraham looked forward — eternal life with our God and Savior. We Christian believers truly do look forward to being with Jesus.

Rev. Gary Piepkorn

12/8/2024 Weekly article

Stay Connected and Foster Communication

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ and equip women to honor God by serving others. The LWML Communication Committee was created to communicate this important information to every LCMS woman. Our goals are to foster communication with each district to share resources, promote products, and be liaisons between the LWML and the women in our congregations.

One of the best ways to stay connected with LWML is to subscribe to eNews. By hitting the sign-up button at the bottom of this home page, you can receive emails highlighting resources, events, and mission updates.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, you too can foster communication. We encourage you to check out the Leader Development webpage. This page has featured resources, leadership tips, and development tools all in one place to help you grow in your faith and as a leader.

As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:15b).

Communication Committee

12/1/2024 Weekly article

A Picture of Heaven

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, (Revelation 7:9a).

On a diverted flight, I was seated in a row with a mother from Syria, and a father from Venezuela. Since English was their second language, I clarified what the captain said over the loudspeaker to the passengers. As we waited, we shared our lives, our faith, and the camaraderie of people who have lived through an odd situation.

This is the first week in Advent and all I could think about were the Wise Men traveling to find the Christ Child. We will celebrate that event on Epiphany, but people were searching for Christ throughout all history. Glean motivation to share that Gospel by reading the “Let God Use You” devotion from

I cannot wait to see my new friends when we are standing around the throne of God!

Cheryl Mattil


LWML Resources