“Why, God?”
Have you ever had one of “those days?” Among other challenges, my latest “day” included receiving a letter from the IRS indicating an ongoing issue had not yet been resolved, and a daughter traveling to Hawaii who had not yet received her necessary Covid test results. I felt frustrated and angry! “Why, God?”
My daily Bible reading that morning ended with Ruth, chapter one. Naomi, returning to Bethlehem, said she should be named Mara, meaning “bitter,” because the Almighty had brought calamity on her. That day I felt like calling myself “Mara.”
Working through my anger, Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) came to mind, singing “Jesus Loves Me” also alleviated my stress. While looking at reSOURCEs for Planning Programs for August 2021 on the LWML website, I found a Bible study, “Why God? Trusting in God’s Goodness in Times of Disappointment and Anger.”
I’m so thankful our Lord provides just the right resources to help us, not only for an LWML gathering, but also for personal Bible study and encouragement.
Martha E. Dubke, President
LWML California-Nevada-Hawaii District