Abide with me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me (John 15:4).
For a long time, I had a grapevine heart wreath on the wall of my home. It was beautiful, but never produced any grapes. It was dead and not connected to any source of life. In John 15 Jesus uses a grapevine as a metaphor for an abundant, productive life. We as believers are the branches and Christ is the Vine. When we are connected to the vine, we bear fruit.
How do we stay connected to Christ?
1. Be in the Word
The best way to stay connected to Christ is spend time daily in the Word. A few minutes every day will keep you focused on the truth of the Scripture in an ever-changing world. Sign up for LWML Daily Devotions at www.lwml.org. These short devotions are delivered right to your email inbox.
2. Pray without ceasing
Taking time to pray every day will help you focus on the blessings rather than burdens. Pray for our LWML mission grants. A prayer journal allows you to look back and see God’s faithfulness to answer your prayers.
3. Be in Worship
When we attend worship services we grow in our faith. We can work together to share God’s love with those around us and support one another in joy and sorrow. We don’t have to go it alone.
Abide in Christ.
Debbie Yocky
LWML Rocky Mountain District President