It all started long ago when I was just a young kid, super excited to get my very own personalized book for Christmas. It was an adventure story where I traveled all over collecting letters. Once all the letters were collected together, it spelled the word PEACE.
Flash forward to my confirmation day. On the front of my keepsake certificate, I was given my confirmation verse: Peace I leave with you; "My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).
As a mother, I had two premature babies, with one who struggled so much, that I longed for him to have peace, wherever that may be. After two months, he found that peace safe in the arms of Jesus.
My favorite part of a church service is the end ... when the pastor gives the benediction "... and give you His peace."
It took me a while to catch on to this theme throughout my life. God's peace has been such a comfort and energizer for me. Do you have something similar that draws you closer to the Lord wherever and whenever you are in need? Do you remember your confirmation verse? Have there been extra special moments in your LWML journey? Reflect on how God sustains you, and how in doing so, He does great things through you.
If you would like to take this further than two minutes, click on this link, ( Stillness in the Seasons of Life ) to view or print "Stillness in the Seasons of Life," one of the many wonderful Bible Studies and resources LWML has for growing your faith. Once refreshed through His Word, let's go out and "Serve the Lord with Gladness!"
In Fervent Gratitude,
Jane Morris
LWML Iowa West District President