Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV).
When you plan a trip, do you rely on your GPS or on a map? More so now than ever before, people are using GPS devices to navigate the world around them. Millennials and later generations might not know how to read a map since their smart phones can create a route from point A to point B in a matter of seconds. So one might ask, is there even a need for maps anymore?
Well, I would answer “Yes” to that! While the GPS on your phone can get you to your destination, it does not give you the “big picture” and show you what’s around you while you’re traveling. A map provides orientation by laying out an entire space at once, and also shows you what routes to avoid. My GPS has also failed me in big cities with tall buildings where satellite reception was difficult, so a map can be your back-up plan!
God has our life mapped out already and knows the “big picture.” We need to have faith in Him, and be in the Word, which is our roadmap through life. When we take a dangerous detour, God can get us back on track. Check out some of the great Bible Studies in our Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly to help orient you along your journey. When driving down the road of life, stay in The Word and let God direct your path so that you can get safely to your final destination … eternal life with Him!
Arlene Price
LWML New Jersey District President