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What can I do to help get more
Young Women Involved with LWML?

  • Build a relationship with a younger woman in church. Start off with a normal conversation.

  • Tell her about the LWML and your involvement in it. The more excited you are to tell her about it, the more excited she will be to attend an event.

  • If she has children, help her arrange child care, welcome her child/children, or plan family-friendly activities! (I have NUMEROUS adoptive aunts and grandmas through the LWML.)

  • If she starts to participate, do not overwhelm her. Gradually allow her to get comfortable. She will know when she is ready for a leadership position.

  • If she suggests new ideas, be open to it!  Not all new ideas are bad ideas!

  • Review your meeting time to determine if it is young woman friendly. Be open to have your activities at a time that accommodates most women. Also consider working with young women to start a new group that works best for them.

  • ….biggest one of all…If she tells you no at first, keep asking!

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