I have a handwritten recipe from my grandmother. It contains a list of ingredients and the single instruction, “As you have seen me do.”
I learned to cook by watching, and assisting in the kitchen. I learned how to keep house, do minor repairs, garden, and keep a budget by watching, helping, and being involved.
I came to LWML by invitation. I witnessed firsthand the strong sense of belonging first to Jesus and then to one another, and the amazing sense of purpose to take Christ’s love and grace to the world. I humbly offered my skills as an artist and leader. I have used my gift for instruction to help others serve and lead.
Who is watching you? Is it a new Christian, trying to figure out if there is more to Christianity than just attending worship? Is it a talented individual just waiting to be asked to share their passion or talent? Is it a friend looking for permission to start a new Bible study? Are you personally inviting, showing, and teaching the stewardship of service?
The Time is NOW to show others how to serve our Lord by cheerfully serving in many areas of ministry and encouraging others to do the same!
Janet Hurta
Chairman, Information Technology Committee