Two Minute Tuesday

“For [God] has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” This passage out of Hebrews 13 is one that I cherish. As a Professional Church Worker that promise from God means everything to me. Like Moses and Joshua [Deuteronomy 31] I count on His presence no matter where I serve or with what situation He presents me. I can be strong and courageous as God leads the way.

As much as this passage forms a cornerstone for my service in the Lord, I know that this promise is for everyone. God wants us to be confident in Him and to live in a way that reflects this truth. This may mean saying ‘yes’ to a new job or a move to a new town or a request of nomination for a position within your church or the LWML. Check out the Leader Development’s ‘Volunteers in Christ’s Ministry’ at Be secure in His Word and courageous, for He has promised “I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Rev. Robert L. Mundahl
LWML Jr. Counselor

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